From 22:00 on May 12, 2024, a peaceful protest against the Russian law is taking place near the Parliament of Georgia

Date: 13 May 2024

From 22:00 on May 12, 2024, a peaceful protest against the Russian law is taking place near the Parliament of Georgia.

Around 05:30 in the morning, the so-called Robocops and water jet machines appeared on Rustaveli Avenue From Liberty Square.

At 05:37, the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a statement announcing that if the demonstrators do not clear away from the entrances of the Parliament, the police will use force.

As of this moment (05:48), it is verified that the police are stationed at the entrances of the parliament, not the demonstrators. Thus, there is no factual justification for the use of force, as declared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

We call on the Ministry of Internal Affairs not to use illegal force and to allow the peaceful demonstrators to utilize their constitutional right to continue their protest.