GYLA filed a motion to the city prosecutors’ office

Date: 14 Jan 2007

Lawyers of the victims, killed during the “special operation” on May 2.2006, near the tennis courts, submit the new evidences to the city prosecutor’s office.


As already known, the separate investigation has been initiated as per article 114 of the Criminal Law (Manslaughter beyond Measure Necessary for Catching a Criminal) on Khubulovi and Vazagashvili’s liquidation case during the special operation.


Even thought, Petutidze-the person survived after the special operation, stated, that they have used the fire arms, Vazagarshvili’s lawyers managed to acquire evidence that prove otherwise.

Specifically, as witnesses declare, law enforcements applied to fire arms without giving any warning. As a result Vazagashvili and Khubulvi were killed on the place.


The lawyers acquired testimonies from the witnesses. The victims would submit them to the investigation, claim interrogation of witnesses and implementation of impartial investigation.


The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association held a special briefing on the issue.