GYLA responds to the dispersal of peaceful demonstrators on May 1

Date: 1 May 2024

Around 22:00, there is observed an active use of special means (pepper spray, tear gas, rubber bullets, and water cannons) initially in the area of Chitadze Street, near the entrance of the Parliament. By now, these actions have been exercised (23:20), on the territory of the intersection of Chitadze Street and Rustaveli Avenue.

Initially, the use of active special means on Chitadze Street was led by a few individuals holding the gate cells and protesting with noise. However, after the use of means escalated, targeting broad masses of demonstrators.

Among the illegal practices of the special means used, the following are particularly alarming:

- The use of rubber bullets from a close distance, in the direction of vital organs (face, abdomen) and/or towards persons who posed no threat;

- Shooting tear gas from the roof towards people standing peacefully on Rustaveli Avenue violating the rules of using tear gas canisters and creates a danger of irreversible damage to life and health if a hot canister hits.

We call unto:

- Ministry of Internal Affairs to refuse to these unlawful practices, which are incompatible with human rights and violate human dignity.

- Employees of the special forces squad: not to obey illegal orders and not to use violent methods against peacefull demonstrators.