A person exonerated also at the Court of Appeals with the GYLA’s assistance

Date: 23 May 2019

The Zugdidi office of GYLA protects the interests of a person who is accused of forgery/making false documentation and fraudulent practices (under the part I of the article 362 of the Criminal Code of Georgia and activity envisaged by article 180, part III, point b. of the Code). The charges were filed after he applied to the Commission on Recognition of Property Rights on Land Parcels possessed by Natural Persons and Legal Entities under Private Law established by Sakrebulo of Zugdidi Municipality and requested the issuance of a document confirming ownership right/ property title. He submitted a notarial act to the Commission, according to which the neighbors of the applicant were confirming that he along with other person had an ownership and disposal of an agricultural plot of land. Later, he was charged on the grounds as if he deceitfully made neighbors to sign a notarial act.

The Criminal Cases Chamber of the Kutaisi Court of Appeals did not accept the request of the Zugdidi District Prosecutor's Office on the conviction and decided to leave the judgment of the Zugdidi District Court according to which the person under the protection of GYLA was acquitted.