Public Defender of Georgia has established Discrimination on the Basis of Other Opinion against Bolt Food Couriers

Date: 15 Jun 2021

On 14th June 2021, the Public Defender of Georgia adopted a recommendation, according to which direct discrimination against the couriers of "Bolt Food" on the grounds of other opinions has been established. The adoption of this recommendation was preceded by the company sending a notice to the couriers on 16th March 2021, about the tariff reduction. After receiving the notification, some of the couriers contacted the local representation of Bolt Food on March 17, where they received an explanation that they receive instructions from the Estonian central office on the definition of working conditions. After that, the couriers decided not to switch on the application and refused to accept orders. On March 23, part of the couriers again appealed to the company administration for negotiations without any result. In response to the protest on the same day, the company restricted access to the application to approximately 25 couriers (including applicants). On the reasons for the ban on access to the program so-called the support group explained to the couriers on March 25 that there had been instances of their participation with the group from which organized activities had taken place that had disrupted their service and the working process of couriers.

Based on the analysis of the circumstances and evidence in the case, the Public Defender indicates that the interference with the applicants' rights was, in fact, based on their other opinions and their protest, which was found to be unacceptable to the employer. The defendant failed to present a proper and convincing argument that would refute the Public Defender's allegation of discriminatory treatment. Accordingly, the company was instructed to immediately restore the couriers’ access to the "Bold Food" application.

GYLA represented the interests of 5 couriers in the Public Defender's Office.