Tbilisi City Court starts hearing the lawsuits of the victims of the events of June 20-21, 2019

Date: 22 Feb 2021

Georgian Young Lawyers' Association represents the interests of up to 30 victims of the events of June 20-21, 2019, both in the investigation body and in court. Among the victims are journalists and camerapersons and protesters and passers-by in the vicinity of the rally.

With the assistance of GYLA, at the moment, 2 persons are recognized to be victims by the Office of the General Prosecutor, and on behalf of 6 persons, lawsuits have been filed against the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Tbilisi City Court. In court, the victims claim compensation for material and/or non-pecuniary damages from the Ministry for the harm caused to their health. They suffered injuries resulting from tear gas and rubber bullets used during the dispersal of the rally. Several plaintiffs have lost or significantly deteriorated their eyesight due to the rubber bullet's impact, which resulted in a limitation of their ability to work.

Tbilisi City Court has already started hearing the submitted lawsuits, and the oral hearing of the first case is scheduled for February 22. In their counter-claims filed at this time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs disputes the Ministry's culpability in causing harm and states that the investigation agencies should investigate the fact of illegal use of force and target firing of rubber bullets by the police.

For its part, the Office of the General Prosecutor of Georgia is investigating a criminal case in connection with the events that took place; however, since the beginning of the investigation, only one law enforcer has been charged in the case of the victims whose interests GYLA is protecting. So far, all but 2 persons have been denied recognition as a victim by the Office of the Prosecutor General and the court. The persons recognized as victims were not even given full access to the case materials, which raises questions about the investigation's effectiveness.

GYLA hopes that the court will consider the cases promptly and satisfy the claims.