The Statement of Media Advocacy Coalition on Election of the Members of the Board of Trustees of Ajara TV and Radio

Date: 6 Nov 2013

Media Advocacy Coalition objects to the November 5, 2013 decision of Ajara High Council which completely ignored “the Law on Broadcasting” and violated quota system envisaged by the law for election of members of the Board of Trustees of Ajara TV and radio. Members of the “Georgian Dream” disallowed minority members to nominate their candidates for the membership to the Board of Trustees, as provided by the “Law on Broadcasting”. As a result, by the decision of November 5, 2013 the Board of Trustees of Ajara TV was manned by one-party principle.

Media Advocacy Coalition considers that decision of Adjara High Council is alarming both from legislative and political point of view. The decision hinders the process of reforming public broadcaster and can be considered as gross political intervention in the activities of the public broadcaster.
The Coalition calls on the members of Ajara High Council to express political prudence and high legal awareness and to annul the adopted decision. Otherwise, the Coalition will use all legal mechanisms for invalidation of illegal decision and will appeal citizens to direct joint efforts with a view to curb gross intervention of local politicians on the way to reforming Ajara TV and radio.