2 social workers who were illegally dismissed were reinstated

Date: 23 Aug 2021

GYLA represented and defended the rights of 2 social workers illegally fired from the LEPL Social Service Agency on January 31, 2020. Their dismissal came after a reorganization of the Social Service Agency. As a result of the reorganization, the rights and responsibilities of guardianship and custody were transferred to the LEPL - State Care and Victim Assistance Agency for Victims of Trafficking. Under the changes, the care agency would, if necessary, ensure the non-competitive transfer of full-time employees and part-time employees to the social services agency in appropriate positions. Nevertheless, several social workers were fired without justification under the pretext of reorganization.

With the help of GYLA, two social workers who had disputed in the Kutaisi and Telavi City Courts successfully completed their cases in the first instance. The courts fully complied with their demands - dismissal orders were annulled. The defendant was also instructed to reinstate the social workers in service and to compensate for the forced unpaid salary during the period from dismissal until the execution of the court decision. The defendant no longer appealed the decisions of the courts of the first instance to higher instances, but reinstated social workers in service, and reimbursed the victims.

GYLA continues to provide legal assistance to other social workers and to cooperate with the Social Workers' Union.