An illegally dismissed public servant has been reinstated

Date: 19 Aug 2021

GYLA represented a public servant dismissed on June 17, 2021, who was employed in the inspection department of the Internal Audit Service of Gurjaani City Hall. On May 28, 2021, he/she applied for his dismissal on the grounds of discrimination on political grounds, but within 14 working days, in accordance with the law, requested to leave his personal application unconsidered. Nevertheless, on June 17, City Hall issued an order dismissing him.

On July 16, 2021, a dismissed civil servant, with the help of GYLA, filed a lawsuit with the Gurjaani District Court, requesting the establishment of discriminatory treatment, the annulment of a dismissal order, reinstatement in service, reimbursement for forced unpaid salary, and compensation for moral damages due to discriminatory treatment. Also, to secure the lawsuit, GYLA requested that the Gurjaani Municipality City Hall be banned from appointing another person to this position for life. Gurjaani Court granted the claim.

Following the admission of the claim, the Gurjaani Municipality City Hall annulled the dismissal order on its initiative and reinstated the illegally dismissed public servant to the same position he/she had held before his/her dismissal. He/she has also reimbursed the unpaid salary and retained the class rank awarded before his dismissal.