Enka Renewables Company shows contempt of court and artificially delays the hearing

Date: 10 Mar 2021

Today, on March 10, at 12:00, the Tskaltubo Magistrate Court was to start hearing the case of administrative violation on the breach of several conditions set by the Environmental Decision against the company "Enka Renewables". The GYLA Kutaisi branch lawyers and the plaintiff Maka Suladze appeared at the hearing; however, the mentioned process was postponed indefinitely due to failure to appear in the court of the construction company of Namakhvani Cascade for no good reason.

The reason for the party's non-appearance at the hearing is unknown to the court, as the company "Enka Renewables" has not submitted to the court considering the case any document proving the absence from the hearing for a good reason. As we have learned, it has not submitted any additional documents related to the case to the court at this time, which would confirm the fulfillment of the conditions by the construction company, which had to be fulfilled before the HPP construction. According to the protocol/report of the mentioned violation, the Department of Environmental Supervision employees inspected the project area, yet on October 16, 2020. As a result of the inspection, the Department found that " Enka Renewables" LLC has not fulfilled the 15 conditions specified in the Environmental Decision issued by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture on February 28, 2020, Order # 2-191, and the conclusion of the environmental expertise. However, the Ministry did not disclose this information, and it became known to the public later, four months later, based on a complaint from Green Alternative.