GYLA responds to International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

Date: 17 May 2021

[1] Report of the Public Defender of Georgia on the Situation of Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms in Georgia, 2020. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

[1] Report of the Public Defender of Georgia on the Situation of Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms in Georgia, 2020. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

[1] Tbilisi Pride Statement, "A series of attacks on the Tbilisi Pride office", 28.08.2020. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

Interpressnews article, "According to Tbilisi Pride, Guram Palavandishvili destroyed the installation prepared by LGBTQ activists in the “Deda Ena” Garden." [last viewed 16.05.2021]

[1] Statement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 14.05.2121. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

[1] Article by the Public, "Palavandishvili rushed in and broke our installation" | queer activists on the incident", 15.05.2021. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

[1] Report of the Public Defender of Georgia on the Situation of Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms in Georgia, 2020. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

[1] Statement of the Equality Movement, "Members of the LGBTQ community were attacked in Tbilisi", 05.2021. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

Statement by NGOs, "LGBTQ Human Rights Organizations Respond to Tendency of Increased Homophobic Violence", 04.2021. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

[1] GYLA Statement on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, 17.05.2020. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

[1] GYLA has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights against Georgia's refusal to recognize a transgender man. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]

The European Court has also started consideration of the merits on the case of legal recognition of transgender man’s gender. Available at: [last viewed 16.05.2021]