GYLA calls on Parliament to substantially reform regulations and increase opposition role in parliamentary life

Date: 9 Jun 2020

GYLA presented the views to the legislative body on the amendments to the Regulations of the Parliament [2] initiated by the Members of Parliament [1].

GYLA positively assesses the reduction of members of the Parliamentary Speakers up to 4 members. However, GYLA calls on the Parliament that the positions of the 1st and 3rd deputies of the Speaker of the Parliament to be determined for the opposition.

According to the amendments, the notion of the minority is abolished and it is replaced by "opposition". Also, the majority will be abolished as a subject (entity), and its leader will no longer be an official. This change is welcomed. However, it is recommended that the status of the majority leader is also revoked and that his/her functions be undertaken by the chairperson of the largest faction in the majority.

The changes concern a circle of entities nominated for the position of chairperson of the committee, however the rules for his/her election remain unchanged. GYLA believes that the positions of chairpersons of the committees should be occupied by the parties in the parliament in proportion to their share.

The number of deputy chairpersons of the committee remains unchanged. GYLA's offer is to reduce their number to one. At the same time, if the chairperson of the committee is a representative of the majority, the position of his/her deputy must be held by a member of the opposition and vice versa.

Staffing rules of an Interim Fact-Finding Commission, interpellation, and summoning a person to a committee meeting is limited to cosmetic changes. In contrast, GYLA is proposing complex changes to parliament that will significantly improve the oversight functions of both the committee and the plenary sitting of parliament. The document was prepared as a result of the analysis of deficiencies identified in the spring and fall 2019, as well as the 2020 spring sessions, and includes issues such as: the introduction of the Government Hour and ad hoc rapporteur institute; Reform of the committee system; Improving committee control mechanisms; Improving the institutions of the thematic rapporteur, the working group, the thematic investigation group, the trust group, the interpellation, the reports of the Prime Minister and the Minister, the institutions of the temporary and Interim Fact-Finding Commission.