GYLA demands timely investigation of Temur Beridze's case

Date: 19 Aug 2020

GYLA represents the interests of Temur Beridze, who exposes high-ranking officials in illegal actions against him. According to Temur Beridze, he was threatened after a company related to him won a tender (installation of outdoor lighting poles in Khulo Municipality). An investigation into this fact was launched in August 2019 under the article of abuse of office by an official or a person equal to him through violence or the use of weapons and is still ongoing [1]. The case is being investigated by the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

According to Temur Beridze, after winning the tender, MP of Khulo Sakrebulo Mindia Rizhvadze got in touch with him, who is a relative of the Chairman of the Government of Adjara Tornike Rizhvadze. Temur Beridze explains that Mindia Rizhvadze demanded to reject the won tender, as the terms of the tender were tailored to his company and he had to win the tender.

According to Temur Beridze, after the refusal, Mindia Rizhvadze contacted the Chairman of the Government of Adjara, Tornike Rizhvadze, as well as Davit Rizhvadze, who is the father of Tornike Rizhvadze and holds the position of Deputy Head of the District Inspectors Division at the Police Department of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. Mindia Rizhvadze asked the mentioned persons to help put pressure on Temur Beridze in order to reject the won tender. After that, Temur Beridze was met by Tornike Rizhvadze's relative, Jambul Abuladze, who also demanded to give up the won tender, otherwise he threatened that his relations/business would be ruined “from above”. A few hours after the conversation with Jambul Abuladze, Temur Beridze was attacked by Mindia Rizhvadze in the square in front of Khulo City Hall, who verbally and physically assaulted him. According to the medical examination, Temur Beridze had injuries on his body.

In the criminal case initiated under the article of abuse of power, an episode of violence was separated into a separate proceeding, on which MP of Khulo Municipality Sakrebulo Mindia Rizhvadze was found guilty. The investigation into the fact of abuse of office is still going on without any result.

Temur Beridze provided the investigative body with comprehensive information about the officials who demanded the concession of the tender won by him. This is also confirmed by witnesses.

GYLA believes that the ongoing investigation into the abuse of office is unreasonably delayed, which raises suspicions that the purpose is to avoid holding accountable officials.

GYLA calls on the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara to conduct an effective, objective and impartial investigation in a timely manner to identify signs of alleged crime in the actions of officials and to impose appropriate measures on them.

[1] Article 333, Part 3, Subparagraph B of the Criminal Code of Georgia.