“Equality Now” presented an Amicus Curiae Brief in the case litigated by GYLA

Date: 24 Jun 2021

The international human rights organization Equality Now, which works to improve the rights of women and girls around the world, has submitted an Amicus Curiae Brief to the Supreme Court of Georgia on the GYLA case.

The case concerns the right of a victim of sexual harassment to speak publicly about his or her own experiences. In the framework of ongoing dispute, the Tbilisi City and Appellate Courts have set a dangerous standard with regards to the human rights protection and restricted the victim's abovementioned right.

"Equality Now" focuses on important aspects in the brief submitted. It emphasizes that the organization expects the Supreme Court of Georgia to adhere to the standards established by European Court of Human Rights and international instruments that are binding for Georgia and that protect women victims of gender-based violence and discrimination, including their right to speak publicly about their experiences. In this case, the Supreme Court of Georgia can set a good precedent for the countries of the region in terms of combating violence against women, as well as in promoting equality guaranteed by the Constitution of Georgia and ensuring the realization of women's rights. "

The Supreme Court Judgment can correct the precedents for the silencing and incrimination of victims of sexual violence and harassment through defamation lawsuits. GYLA hopes that the Supreme Court of Georgia will take into account the standards set out in the Amicus Curie Brief.

Amicus Curies Brief is available at the following link - https://bit.ly/3wSz09Z