Call for Expert Teams or Organizations To Conduct Semi-Project/Semi-Organizational Assessment

თარიღი: 8 აპრ 2019

Call for Expert Teams or Organizations

To Conduct Semi-Project/Semi-Organizational Assessment and Provide Recommendations

To the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA)

1. Introduction:

One of the leading human rights organizations in Georgia – GYLA is looking for qualified teams of experts or organizations, to conduct semi-project/semi-organizational assessment of its work and to provide analysis of its work and recommendations for improvement in the targeted areas.

2. Cause and Objective of the Evaluation:

The goal of the external evaluation is to observe the progress of achieving project objectives. Knowledge generated as a result of the assessment will help the project team to modify the strategy if necessary and maximize its efforts leading to the change. Moreover, it will provide important evidence for adjusting the project activities and developing plans for future involvement.

The evaluation should assess the current phase of the project and its results so far. It should provide evidence in order to support developing a strategy for adjustment of the project and possibly a follow-up project, which would consolidate and build upon the actual results.

Therefore the aim of the evaluation is as follows:

1. Assessing the current project phase

2. Providing recommendations on how to consolidate the results of the project until its finalization

3. Consulting GYLA in developing a strategy for the follow-up phase

Technically the evaluation should provide:

1. Assessment of the current project phase in terms of:

1.1. Its relevancy – especially in link with the needs and constraints of the targeted stakeholders

1.2. Its effectiveness – how far the overall aim and the specific objectives of the project have been reached; which further steps must be taken in order to achieve them until the end of the project; which activities particularly functioned well in terms of bringing about outcomes and which activities did not generate sufficient results

2. Recommendations on how to consolidate the results of the project until its finalisation, especially in terms of:

2.1. Its sustainability – analyze how sustainable the project is so far; recommendations on how to consolidate the sustainability of the project ending its completion

2.2. Its challenges – providing recommendations on identified challenges and how to turn them into opportunities until completion of the project and beyond

3. Consultation in developing a strategy for the follow-up phase 2019-2021, as follows:

3.1. Its focus and priorities – in regards to lesson learnt of the current phase of the project, providing recommendations on potential focus areas or priorities for a follow-up project building on current project or filling identified gaps

3.2. Its activities – based on results, which activities shall be continued, multiplied, replicated, or stopped in a follow-up phase

3.3. Its methodologies and structure – in regards to achievements and shortcomings of current phase of the project, providing recommendations on potential project methodologies for the follow-up project including management system, key partnerships, cooperation, tools, etc.

3.4. Its perspectives - providing various scenarios for a follow-up project (content, focus, methodologies) with its pro’s and con’s to support evidence based decision

On the program level

- To carry out a consolidated evaluation of the GYLA program.

- To assess the extent to which the program has achieved its objectives, has a satisfactory technical level and has the right balance in interventions and partner types.

- Assess the impact and possible indirect effects of the program;

- Offer ideas and advise on how to increase effectiveness and influence of future programs and their sustainability;

- Examine, whether additional measures/activities need to be carried out with existing target groups to ensure sustainability and flexibility in view of changing contexts;

- To assess the sustainability of project outcomes;

On the organizational level

- To assess the role and performance of about 5 municipalities as a program partners (in small sub-grants).

- To assess whether xy program management is appropriate and adequate for ensuring learning and documentation

- To provide findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation to provide substantial guidance to the future program/strategy change process in xy

- To provide findings that will feed into GYLA’s organizational learning.

3. Project Passport:

Project title: Protecting and Promoting Socio-Economic Rights of the Most Vulnerable in Georgia

Donor: Brot Fur Die Welt (BFDW – Bread for the World)

Bread for the Worl (Brot Für Die Welt) is a globally active development and relief agency of the Protestant Churches in Germany. In more than 90 countries all across the globe it empowers the poor and marginalized to improve their living conditions. Key issues of its work are food security, the promotion of health and education, the access to water, the strengthening of democracy, respect to human rights, peace keeping and the creation of integrity.

Project dates: January 1/2018 – December 31/2020

Project objectives:

1. Promote improvement of regulatory framework – advocate for improvement of laws, strategies action plans at national and local level;

2. Protect rights of most vulnerable and produce immediate tangible results in labor, cultural economic rights and rights of persons with disabilities – with strong gender dimension;

3. Promote raising awareness of population of their rights and protection mechanisms to increase resistance towards violation of their rights;

4. Promote development approaches at the local level to alleviate poverty driven human rights violations.

Project’s geographical coverage:

The project is implemented in 9 locations: 8 regional offices of GYLA – Kutaisi, Ozurgeti, Batumi, Zugdidi, Telavi, Gori, Rustavi, Dusheti and in the capital – Tbilisi.

Project budget: 522.000 EUR

4. Task Description:

Selected team of experts/organization will be requested to perform analysis of GYLA’s work – in particular, in the specific project (described below).

The analysis must contain the following chapters/content:

1. Assessment of GYLA’s legal aid and strategic litigation – what can be improved;

2. Assessment of GYLA’s awareness raising activities, visibility and public relations – what can be improved;

3. Assessment of GYLA’s advocacy work on improvement of regulatory framework in Georgia (changing laws and policies) – how can GYLA achieve more and better impact;

4. Assessment of GYLA’s impact on individuals and communities – what can be improved;

5. Assessment of GYLA’s human resource management and overall administration – what can be improved.

Each chapter must contain the following parts/sub-chapters:

1. Analysis of GYLA’s internal management – financial, PR, human resources;

2. Analysis of GYLA’s external work – compared to the needs in the country, its relevance and effectiveness, quality of the impact;

3. Recommendations for the improvement – specific and actionable advice on the steps to improve its work.

Specific key questions to be addressed are:

The project assessment should reflect on the following issues and questions:


- Is the project implementation relevant to the project description, ongoing needs in the country, ongoing needs of the beneficiaries?

- Does the project adequately reflect the changes in the national problems and challenges?


- Does the project implementation methodology allow to address the challenges effectively? Does the project implementation ensure direct achievement of the results?


- Is the project implemented efficiently? Is there a reasonable ratio of best possible results for adequate expenditures?


- Does the project implementation allow to achieve the stated impact?

- Is there another indirect impact that was not expected in the planning stage?

- What is the scale of impact and how it can be verified?


- Will the project achievements/results last beyond project implementation?

- How sustainable are those achievements?

- What are the tools to strengthen sustainability of the project?

5. Technical description of the deliverables:

The report, provided by the selected expert team/organization must comply with the following technical criteria:

1. About 30 pages long;

2. Normal margins;

3. Font 11 Calibri;

4. Single spacing;

5. Provided in Georgian and English.

6. Methodology:

The analysis, performed by the expert team/organization must include diversity of research methods/triangulation and cover at least the following elements:

1. Desk research (GYLA’s reports, selected lawsuits/decisions, public statements);

2. Interviews and/or focus groups (with selected beneficiaries, staff, management);

3. Quantitative research (case bank data, visibility on media, etc.).

Prior to submitting the final report, the expert team/organization must undergo the review of the draft together with GYLA’s management/experts.

7. Team requirements:

Applicants must propose the team of at least 3 persons, each with at least 5 years of progressive experience in the following fields:

a. HR management, organizational management, financial management;

b. Leadership and governance;

c. PR, communications, outreach and networking;

d. Psychology, sociology;

e. Public policies and government strategies.

Applicants must have no conflict of interest or political affiliations or other restrictions that might negatively affect the quality of the performance.

8. Timeline:

Each organization will be given about two and half months to complete the task. Among others:

a. About one month for desk research;

b. Two weeks for interviews;

c. Two weeks for drafting the report;

d. One week for review of the draft;

e. One week for the translation of the report.

The organization may propose alternative timeline, justified by the explanation of the workload and time needed to successfully deliver each objective.

9. Expected products

Following deliverables are expected from the evaluator(s):

- Inception report (max. 5 pages);

- A strategic planning workshop to present and verify the findings and to plan follow-up project in accordance to formulated recommendations (before submitting final draft);

- The final draft of the Evaluation Report in English;

10. How to submit applications:

In order to participate in the call for proposals, please submit Application Package to the following e-mail:, Deadline: 22 April 2019, 18:00 pm.

In the subject of e-mail, please indicate: GYLAEVALUATOR

Application Package must include:

1. Cover page (brief description of team/organization qualifications, total requested budget, total requested time and key advantage of the applicant);

2. One-pager description of proposed methodology and timeline;

3. One-pager description of team members and their qualifications;

4. Detailed CVs of team members;

5. Excel sheet with detailed break-down of requested budget and detailed costs (with justifications explaining amounts and rates).

Formats for these attachments are free for the applicant to define.

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.